• Aesop Coriander Seed Body Cleanser 200ml

    Aesop Coriander Seed Body Cleanser 200ml

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    - ManoMano

    - prezzo: 23.45 €

    - descrizione: Stimulating new body cleanser with a piquant scent to enliven the spirit as it cleanses your skin. This gentle, low-lathering gel offers an incredible, aromatic boost of Coriander Seeds and spicy Black Peppercorns to kick-start your morning, or refresh you after a long day. Suitable for all skin types.Invigorates and gently cleansesNew and distinctive scentContains, Coriander Seed, Black Pepper Oil known for Antimicrobial and skin-calming properties

    - categoria: Body Care [Health and Beauty]

    - brand: Aesop

  • Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Balm 120ml

    Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Balm 120ml

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    - ManoMano

    - prezzo: 31.45 €

    - descrizione: An exceptionally hydrating body balm. Suitable for most skin types, particularly dry. This nourishing balm is enriched with a sophisticated blend of Geranium Leaf and citrus extracts. A superb post-shower body treat. Is the perfect partner to the Geranium Leaf Body Cleansing Gel, this seductive blend hydrates your body deeply after wash, leaving your skin soft, supple and delicately scented.Hydrates your bodyLeaves skin soft and suppleNourishes

    - categoria: Body Care [Health and Beauty]

    - brand: Aesop

  • Thalgo High Correction Gel

    Thalgo High Correction Gel

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    - ManoMano

    - prezzo: 60.45 €

    - descrizione: Target stubborn cellulite with the Thalgo High Correction Gel; a potent treatment that smoothes over problem areas, massaging into skin to eliminate the appearance of the unwanted orange-peel effect.Utilising Liposlim, a biotechnological polysaccharide, the gel promotes the release of adipocytes, as well as the creation of new ones. This ensures that superficially stored fat is eliminated and prevented from occurring in future. The gel also boast... Vedi dettagli

    - categoria: Body Care [Health and Beauty]

    - brand: Thalgo

  • NEST New York Lemongrass and Ginger Liquid Soap 300ml

    NEST New York Lemongrass and Ginger Liquid Soap 300ml

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    - ManoMano

    - prezzo: 20.45 €

    - descrizione: Pamper skin with the NEST Fragrances Lemongrass and Ginger Liquid Soap. Enriched with nourishing plant extracts, the luxuriously creamy formula transforms into a refreshing lather to lift away daily dirt and grime while leaving skin imbued with a subtly feminine floral fragrance. Delicately balancing an exquisite blend of oils, accords of Lemongrass create a botanical citrus fragrance with fresh grassy notes and zingy Ginger. A herbal infusion o... Vedi dettagli

    - categoria: Body Care [Health and Beauty]

    - brand: NEST New York

  • Australian Bodycare Holiday Essentials Kit

    Australian Bodycare Holiday Essentials Kit

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    - ManoMano

    - prezzo: 21.95 €

    - descrizione: The Set Contains: Tea Tree Oil Body Lotion (100ml) Tea Tree Oil Skin Wash (100ml) Tea Tree Wipes (2 x Packs of 24 Sheets) Paraben, fragrance and alcohol-free.

    - categoria: Body Care [Health and Beauty]

    - brand: Australian Bodycare

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